\documentstyle{article} \input idevn.tex % TeX macros that ease ITRANS devanagari font usage %----- % ITRANS song book....prepend this header to print out songs, % using TeX (either Devnac or Devnag font) % >>>>>>>> Need ITRANS 4.0 <<<<<<<<< %----- % User Configuration Option -- One column or Two column output. %\def\maketwocolumn{YES} % Uncomment this for 2-column printing %\def\makelandscape{YES} % Uncomment this for landscape format %\pagestyle{empty} %\def\eatnum#1{} % empty operator %\newcommand{\SCOUNT}{\stepcounter{scounter}\arabic{scounter}} %\newcounter{scounter} %\newcommand{\BCOUNT}{\stepcounter{bcounter}\arabic{bcounter}} %\newcounter{bcounter} %\newcommand{\CCOUNT}{\stepcounter{ccounter}\arabic{ccounter}} %\newcounter{ccounter} %\newcommand{\resetCCOUNT}{\setcounter{ccounter}{0}} \newcommand{\addline}{\medskip\hrule\medskip} %\newcommand{\separate}{\medskip\hrule\medskip\setcounter{scounter}{0}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Edit this if needed, default should be ok for most users. \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn % --- One column output % \let\usedvng=\LARGEdvng % 17pt devanagari font \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagri font \let\smallcmr=\eightrm \let\titlefont=\tenrm \else % --- Two column output \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagri font \let\smallcmr=\sixrm \let\titlefont=\eightrm \fi % font options (normaldvng, largedvng, etc): % sizes: normal < large < Large < LARGE < huge < Huge %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if needed, redefine "space" to allow each input line to be broken into % multiple output lines (\let =~ is the default, which enforces line rule) % That has to done in the idevn.tex file, or add this command after % \startsong in your input file: % {\global\let =\ }% Comment this out for: 1 input line --> 1 output line % (you cannot uncomment the command here, it has to appear after \startsong) %----- % Uncomment one of the following paragraphs: % First one is for Frans Velthuis's font. % Second one uses the font that is bundled with the ITRANS package. % ONLY one of these should be uncommented at any one time............. % ** Frans's font....(Metafont) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) #indianifm=dvng.ifm % ITRANS command #indianfont=\fransdvng %-----OR-------- % ** Devnac font (PostScript) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) % #indianifm=dvnc.ifm % ITRANS command % #indianfont=\postdvng #useshortmarkers % this allows use of ## (beginindian) and ## (endindian) % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % Page Settings \ifx\undefined\makelandscape % Use Portrait Size Page \portraitpage % use a slightly wider page \addtolength{\textwidth}{0.25in} \else % Use Landscape Size Page \landscapepage \fi % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % The idevn.tex file is now included with ITRANS 4.0, but it has % a new method of specifying the songtitle (using printtitle). % For backward compatibility, need to define songtitle. \def\songtitle#1#2#3#4{% \film{#1}\singer{#2}\lyrics{#3}\music{#4}\printtitle} % ----------------------------------------------------------------- \font\titled=dvng10 scaled\magstep1 \raggedright % since the words are long, this reduces the long % gaps that appear when TeX justifies the lines. %\parskip 3 pt % to slightly increase the space between the shlokas. \parindent 0pt \begin{document} % from startsong command: \def\-{{\englfont -}}% \def\.{{\englfont .}}% \def\,{{\englfont ,}}% \usedvng % use whatever font the user wants...default normaldvng \englfont % usedvng makes default font indian, restore english font % end from startsong command % % \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn % \relax % \else % % \twocolumn[\centerline{##\titled shabdavibhaktii pratyaya $-$ ## Nouns and Verbs}\bigskip] % \fi %\hrule height0.4pt % ----------------------- End of ishdr.itx ------------------------ %\obeylines #indian ## \centerline{## \titled abhyAsapAThaH 27 ##} \bigskip \begin{table}[h] \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline %\vspace{.1in} & ## \underline{pulli~NgashabdAH} ## & ## \underline{napuMsakali~NgashabdAH} ## & ## \underline{strIli~NgashabdAH} ## \\ \hline & ## chaShakaH ## & ## pAtram.h ## & ## sthAlikA ## \\ \hline & ## chamasaH ## & ## vyaNjanam.h ## & ## pAkashAlA ## \\ \hline & ## sUpaH ## & ## takram.h ## & ## pETikA ## \\ \hline & ## kaTaH ## & ## lavaNam.h ## & ## ChurikA ## \\ \hline & ## mantraH ## & ## phenakam.h ## & ## marIchikA ## \\ \hline & ## sUchanAravaH ## & ## Alukam.h ## & ## lekhanI ## \\ \hline & ## dIpaH ## & ## gR^injanakam.h ## & ## a~NkanI ## \\ \hline & ## syUtaH ## & ## mUlakam.h ## & ## ghaTI ## \\ \hline & ## shlokaH ## & ## bhojanam.h ## & ## kartarI ## \\ \hline & ## granthaH ## & ## mitram.h ## & ## sammArjanI ## \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{.1in} \end{table} ## \underline{prayogaparivartanaM kurvantu |} 1 saH chaShakaM prakShAlayati | 2 eShA pAtram.h Anayati | 3 raNavIraH sthAlikAM sthApayati | 4 bhaginI peTikAm.h udghATayati | 5 sA vyaJNjanaM khAdati | 6 ahaM bhojanaM karomi | 7 rAmAnandaH chamasAn.h svIkaroti | 8 umA dIpAn.h jvAlayati | 9 prasAdaH marIchikAH khAdati | 10 sarojA syUtAn.h vahati | 11 pariveShakaH pAkashAlAM gachChati | 12 vinAyakaH phenakAni Anayati | 13 choraH ChurikAM gR^ihNAti | 14 anantaH sUchanAravaM karoti | 15 AchAryaH marIchikAM khAdati | 16 choraH lekhanIM chorayati | 17 namratA gR^iJNjanakam.h ichChati | 18 ma~NgalA a~NkanIM nayati | 19 shAntalA mUlakaM jighrati | 20 pAchakAH sUpaM kurvanti | 21 ahaM mitrANi pashyAmi | 22 te sammArjanIM nayanti | 23 rAjIvaH lavaNaM tyajati | 24 shrImati kartarIM svIkaroti | 25 gItA bhojanaM na karoti | 26 padmalAlaH sUpaM pariveShayati | 27 sarve sthAlikAH Anayanti | 28 TIkArAmaH ghaTIM vismarati | 29 anitA AlukaM na khAdati | 30 sA chamasam.h Anayati | 31 kA mantraM na vadati ? 32 bhavAn.h chaShakAn.h dadAti | 33 saH kaTaM samyak.h karoti | 34 bhavatI ChurikAH antaH sthApayati | 35 kaH takram.h ichChati ? 36 eShaH lekhanIH krINAti | 37 ahaM patrANi prakShAlayAmi | 38 kaviH shlokAn.h likhati | 39 ChAtrAH granthAn.h nayanti | 40 bAlakR^iShNaH peTikAH preShayati | ## \bigskip\hrule\medskip Encoded by Sarada Susarla \\ Send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om ## #endindian \end{document}