मनोनियमनम् सार्थम्

मनोनियमनम् सार्थम्

आशीविषविषविषमैर्निमिषोन्मेषैर्निषेवितैर्विषयैः । अलमधुना कलयेथाः मानस मिहिकामयूखचूडालम् ॥ १॥ अहमिति मतिमतिहेये वारय काये निरन्तरापाये । परशिवपदाभिधेयं ब्रह्मणि सदये निधेहि तां हृदये ॥ २॥ चलदलदलचञ्चलमिममचलवदचलं प्रतीत्य किल कायम् । मुह्यसि शिवपदविमुखं शिवशिवसुमचापचापलैश्चेतः ॥ ३॥ यातं दिनमिदमेवं श्वः किल भविता सुमेरुरपि हस्ते । इति नित्यं भावयता भवता कति चित्त मेरवो लब्धाः ॥ ४॥ कतिधा हृदनुबभूविथ तरुतृणकृमियोनिचक्रचङ्क्रमणम् । दिष्ट्या मानुषभावात्पारस्पृगिवासि मा त्विह प्रमदः ॥ ५॥ प्राक्कृतभोगावसरे ताम्यसि चेतो मुधा कुतो हेतोः । न्यग्रोधबीजमुप्त्वा शोचन्निव नाम्रमस्येति ॥ ६॥ इज्या तीर्थव्रज्या प्रव्रज्या वा सतां समज्या वा । आस्तामयि भवतरणं लघु तव करणं मनः शिवस्मरणम् ॥ ७॥ परयुवतिदीपिकायामप्रतिरूपं निरीक्ष्य बत रूपम् । मोहान्निपत्य चेतःपतङ्ग मा त्वं क्षयं याहि ॥ ८॥ भवमिषपृथुविषशमनो मानस भिषगेष शङ्करः सेव्यः । प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषगिति यं किल जननी श्रुतिः स्वयं प्राह ॥ ९॥ अतिसरसैरन्नरसैर्मानस नभसङ्गमाग्निभषकाणाम् । भुजिकर्मीभूतस्य प्रायो वपुषः किमित्युपस्कुरुषे ॥ १०॥ पत्रफलमात्रसुलभे कामितफलदे प्रभौ स्थिते साम्बे । भजसे कृपणं नृपशुं दुःसेव्यं हा कथं चेतः ॥ ११॥ आ प्रातरादिनान्तादा च दिनान्तात्पुनश्चिदा प्रातः । व्यापारान्तरहायं व्याप्रियतामिन्दुचूडचरणाब्जे ॥ १२॥ दुष्पूरकुक्षिपरिपूरणपारवश्या- त्कर्पूरगौरवपुषं पुरुषं विहाय । अन्यं किमाश्रयसि हन्त सखे मनस्त्वं धन्यं भजस्व सततं तरुणेन्दुचूडम् ॥ १३॥ इति श्रीसदाशिवेन्द्रसरस्वत्या विरचितं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तिध्यानं सम्पूर्णम् ।

Harnessing the Mind

(A minor work of Sri SadAshivendra Saraswati) Oh Mind! Enough of engaging in savouring objects of enjoyment that are ephemeral just as the winking of the eyelids. The desire for objects is itself a poison. Engage henceforth in the contemplation of the Lord who is adorned with the shining moon crest on His head. 1 Give up the notion of ᳚I᳚ in the most detestable body that is ever prone to troubles. Having withdrawn the mind from the body identification, place it firmly in Brahman known as the compassionate Holy Feet of Lord Parama Shiva seated close at hand in your heart. 2 The body is extremely fickle like a blade of grass. Yet you look upon it as firm as a mountain and are deluded. Oh mind! You have thus turned away from the Holy Feet of Lord Shiva assailed by the decorative floral arrows of the temptations caused by Cupid. (The reference is here to the attempt made by Manmatha using the flower-arrows to tempt the meditating Lord Shiva. The Lord opened His third eye and this resulted in Manmatha being burnt to ashes on the spot. 3 This day has been spent thus. ᳚The morrow shall bring me the Mount Sumeru (a fortune)᳚. Thus hoping daily, tell me O Mind! How many ᳚Sumeru-s᳚ have you gained so far? 4 Oh My Heart! How many times have you experienced births/life as tree, grass and germs? Owing to some fortune you have now attained human birth and are endowed with farsightedness (this is the meaning that occurs to me for the word ᳚paara-spRg᳚ in the verse.) Never be inadvertent in accomplishing the supreme good for yourself. 5 As you are experiencing the results of your past actions, Oh My Mind! Why do you become dejected? Remember the infallible rule: A peepul seed planted will not yield mangoes. Hence, give up dejection. 6 Enough of sacrifices (yajnas), pilgrimages, renunciation and the company of the noble. The most effective and easy means to emancipation is, Oh My Mind! The contemplation of Lord Shiva. 7 Seeing the bewitching form in the glowing lamp that is a belle, Oh Mind-moth! Do not get deluded and fall into the form-fire and get destroyed. 8 Oh Mind! The Great Doctor, Lord Shankara, the dispeller of the great samsaric delusion, is ever to be sought out for refuge. Has not the Mother Shruti Herself named Him the ᳚Foremost Divine Doctor᳚? 9 Oh Mind ! Why do you help the fattening of the body by delicious food? The body indeed is the food vultures and dogs are waiting to eat up. 10 Alas! When the Lord SAmbashiva, Who is easily pleased by the devout offering of even fruit, leaf, etc. is available so close at hand, how Oh my Mind! are you able to propitiate the lowly humans, difficult to serve and please. 11 From morning till night and from night to morning let the mind, giving up all other engagements, dwell in the Lotus Feet of the Lord Who is adorned with the crescent moon. 12 Oh my friendly mind! Overpowered by the concern to satisfy the ever-unsatable stomach whom else are you serving ignoring the Blessed Lord adorned with the crescent moon on the head and Who is as white as camphor? (the exact anvaya of the dhanya and tarunenduchoodam words are not clear; hence they are read along with the epithets of the Lord in the second line.) 13 Here ends the work ᳚Manoniyamanam᳚ of Shri Sadashivendra Saraswati. Translation by V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com Proofread by Sunder Hattangadi
% Text title            : manoniyamanam with English translation
% File name             : manoniyamanam.itx
% itxtitle              : manoniyamanam (sArtham sadAshivendravirachitam)
% engtitle              : manoniyamanam
% Category              : major_works, sadAshivabrahmendra
% Location              : doc_z_misc_major_works
% Sublocation           : major_works
% Author                : Sadashivendra Sarasvati
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Proofread by          : Sunder Hattangadi
% Translated by         : V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
% Indexextra            : (Scan)
% Latest update         : December 2, 2018
% Send corrections to   : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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