स्वागतं बलिभूपते

स्वागतं बलिभूपते

स्वागतं सुस्वागतं बलिभूपते! तव स्वागतम् । दिपपङ्क्तिविभूषितं भुवि मानवैः परिकल्पितम् ॥ १॥ विष्णुभक्त भविष्यदिन्द्र विरोचनस्य तनुद्भव । दानवाधिप सुगुणभूषित सुतललोकविभूषण ॥ २॥ कार्तिकप्रतिपत्तिथौ त्वां पूजयन्ति सिते शुभे । इष्टसिद्धिमपेक्षमाणा मानवास्तु गृहे गृहे ॥ ३॥ पत्रपुष्पसुशोभिकानन मस्तकं च धरातलम् । हेमवर्णव्रीहिंसस्य विनूतनाम्बर सुन्दरम् ॥ ४॥ भाग्यपङ्क्तिसमन्वितं कुरु भूतलं सुगुणान्वित । प्रार्थये भवदन्तिके बहु भक्तिभावयुतः सदा ॥ ५॥ -- विद्वान महाबलेश्वरशास्त्रि balipratipadA Song O King Bali, the king of earth, we humans welcome you with our thought/imagination by decorating the series of lights. The one who is Lord Vishnu's devotee, would be Lord Indra and son of Virochana, the one who is the King of all demons (danavas), who has good qualities as his asset and who is like a precious ornament of Sutala Loka. We worship you on the first day of Kartik month (according to Hindu Lunar Calendar) which is believed to be an auspicious day, and (on this day) we in our houses pray for the fulfilment of our wishes. (It looks like) the head of the earth is decorated with different flowers and leaves. Since the golden grains (the land filled with grains) are shining brightly, the sky is also looking beautiful. We pray to make this earth filled with virtues and series of good luck and let there be feeling of devotion forever filled everywhere. Courtesy: https://www.youtube.com/@SanskritmalaOfficial Vaishali Kamlesh Bhadkamkar
% Text title            : Svagatam Balibhupate balipratipadA (Diwali day Kartik 1) song
% File name             : svAgataMbalibhUpate.itx
% itxtitle              : svAgataM balibhUpate gItam (mahAbaleshvarashAstrivirachitam)
% engtitle              : svAgataM balibhUpate
% Category              : misc, sanskritgeet
% Location              : doc_z_misc_general
% Sublocation           : misc
% Author                : Mahabaleshvara Shastri
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Indexextra            : (Video)
% Acknowledge-Permission: https://www.youtube.com/@SanskritmalaOfficial, Vaishali Kamlesh Bhadkamkar
% Latest update         : July 21, 2023
% Send corrections to   : (sanskrit at cheerful dot c om)
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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